Seeing an employee off is hard. Offboarding doesn’t have to be
Create an offboarding workflow to make your employee’s last day as grand as their first
Reassign & recall devices while offboarding
Easily coordinate device retrievals and reassignments with employee exit dates
Have the device diagnosed and serviced by an expert and ready for the next employee
Worried about device packaging?
We’ve got you covered
Numans sends an executive with packaging material to pickup the device and ensure it is properly secured
To avoid any surprises, the devices are inspected while being picked up for any defects or missing accessories
Effortless device retrievals
Easily handle the logistics around an employee's offboarding without breaking a sweat
Schedule an exit date
We’ll issue pickups based on this date. Don’t worry you can always change it
Choose what to do with the device
You can recall the device to inventory, reassign or let the employee retain it
Add any additional services
Add any services that would be required to make your device ready for use
Every rockstar’s show
comes to an end
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